Sunday, December 2, 2012


These are the Tributes in my Fanfiction "Make The Right Choice" SYOT on I do not own the pictures I used here. I just matched the description of the Tributes.

Name: Sterling Westwick
Age: 18
Strengths: Irresistible Charm, Hand to Hand Combat, Multiple Weapons
Weaknesses: Poor survival and hunting skills, Tendency to flirt a lot, hesitates on killing younger Tributes
District: 1
Name: Angeline Caste
Age: 16
Strengths: Doesn't show a lot of emotion, very friendly, thinks quickly
Weaknesses: Obsessed with perfection, afraid of failing, not physically strong
District: 1
Name: Seira Stone
Age: 17
Strengths: Fighting without weapons, speed and stamina, knows how to poison people
Weaknesses: Long range weapons, agility, swimming
District: 2
Name: Wade Blanchard
Age: 16
Strengths: Climbing, Hand To Hand Combat, Strong
Weaknesses: Can't identify poisonous plants, Gets people annoyed easily
District: 3
Name: Jennifer Jareu (JJ)
Age: 16
Strengths: Running, Climbing, Hand To Hand Combat, Swimming, Knife Throwing
Weaknesses: Hunting, Clumsy, Doesn't like killing younger Tributes
District: 3
Name: Grayson Reid (Gray)
Age: 18
Strengths: Strong, Intelligent, Knows weapons, Very good looking
Weaknesses: Isn't very agile, Doesn't know much about plants, Afraid of heights and death, Would do anything for someone he loves.
District: 4
Name: Kaia Port
Age: 15
Strengths: Swimming, Knows how to use a bow and arrow, Tying Knots, Quick
Weaknesses: Can't climb, Can't identify plants, Not strong, Not used to being hungry
District: 4
Name: Devon Carter
Age: 18
Strengths: Smart, Fast, Good with knives, Notices things other don't.
Weaknesses: Over confident, Not physically strong, Can't swim
District: 5
Name: Casey Sands
Age: 17
Strengths: Knows how to sweet talk, Hand to hand combat, Running
Weaknesses: Doesn't know how to climb, Not good at hiding, Full of herself
District: 5
Name: Donnie Leighton
Age: 16
Strengths: Good with swords, Strong, Cunning
Weaknesses: Bad aim, Doesn't know much about plants
District: 6
Name: Kantana Townsend
Age: 15
Strengths: Climbing, Hiding, Trusting
Weaknesses: Dealing with blood, Weapons in general, Strength
District: 6
Name: Aaron Marjolane
Age: 17
Strengths: Very fast, Climbing, Upper body strength
Weaknesses: Short term memory loss
District: 7
Name: Ivy Cypress
Age: 16
Strengths: Knowledge of plants, Climbing, Physically Strong
Weaknesses: Not a fast runner, Unarmed combat, Stubborn
District: 7
Name: Lukas Lune (Luke)
Age: 14
Strengths: Knows what to expect, Good with spears
Weaknesses: He will trust anyone
District: 8
Name: Fei Arlin
Age: 18
Strengths: Can fight well, Strong, Good aim, Fast, Climbing, Observant
Weaknesses: Small, Not trained, Swimming, Protective,
District: 8
Name: Nik Brion
Age: 15
Strengths: Skilled with explosives, Quick on feet, Friendly
Weaknesses: Small, Can't focus well, Oblivious to the obvious
District: 9
Name: Savera Lockheast
Age: 14
Strengths: Throwing spears, Hiding, Climbing, Fast
Weaknesses: Not strong, Can't swim
District: 9
Name: Tally Mitch (Wolf)
Age: 17
Strengths: Positive, Knows a lot about the forest, Knows how to hunt
Weaknesses: Isn't good with spears, Can't trust anyone, Sensitive
District: 10
Name: Miracle Tyrn (Mira)
Age: 18
Strengths: Fast, Strong, Knows plants, Agile, Stealthy, ADHD helps energy
Weaknesses: Too impulsive, Wants to protect people even if dangerous, Afraid of enclosed spaces, ADHD makes her distracted.
District: 10
Name: Samuel Sola (Sammy)
Age: 14
Strengths: Gets along with other people, Bow and arrow
Weaknesses: Physically weak, Hand to hand combat
District: 11
Name: Victoria Starks
Age: 15
Strengths: Agility, Observant, Speed
Weaknesses: Coordination, Stability
District: 11
Name: Haiku Stray
Age: 16
Strengths: Creative, Good judge of character, Judging limits, Strong willed
Weaknesses: Slow to trust others, Loses his temper, Can't think straight in fights, Bad left knee, Asthma
District: 12
Name: Arianna Lucy Cerenicai
Age: 17
Strengths: Fast learner, Strong, Knives
Weaknesses: Horrible with other weapons
District: 12
Name: Tatum Mellark
Age: 16
Strengths: Knives, Running, Camouflage
Weaknesses: Bow and arrow, Swimming, Talks back
District: 12
Name: Katniss Everdeen
Age: N/A (I'm bad at math)
Strengths: Bow and arrow, Running, Climbing, Hunting
Weaknesses: Camouflage, Emotional, Protective
District: 12

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